Wednesday, February 15, 2017

January Birthstone: Garnet that Speaks Glamour Part- I

Happy Birthday to all those who celebrate in January! The month enjoys a beautiful birthstone, garnet. And I know every gem lover will fall in love with the brilliant hue of this gemstone.

The January birthstone, garnet appears as a sign of everlasting friendship and belief and is an excellent gift for a friend. The name garnet comes from the word granatum, which means seed, as this gemstone resembles the beautiful pomegranate seed. The use of the stone dates back to 3100 BC when garnet was used by Egyptians in the form of jewelry inlay.

Garnet represents a group of minerals that portrays their charm in a rainbow of colors, from the rich red of the pyrope garnet to the dazzling green allure of tsavorites. It's still an unknown fact for many that garnet illuminates its beauty in a variety of color! It's interesting to know that at present, Africa, Sri Lanka, and India are the most important sources of garnets.

Tiffany and Co. published birthstones poems in 1870 by an unknown author, and I am totally in love with them. Here is the beautiful poem for the January-born.

By her who in this month (January) is born
No gem save garnets should be worn;
They will ensure her constancy,
True friendship, and fidelity.

Make a New Friend with January Birthstone

As mentioned, garnet springs its beauty in various colors. Through the ages, garnets have been one of the most sought-after and prevalent gems because of their classic and splendid colors. Here is a glimpse of the most popular variants. Take a look at each and every variety and choose your favorite one as your personal birthstone for January.
  • Rhodolite Garnet: First found in 1882 in the hills of North Carolina, rhodolite garnet is a distinct pyrope-almandine member of this big family. This gorgeous variety illustrates stunning shades from pastel rose-red with clues of purple to classy grape purples with minor tones of deep rose-red.The color of this rare variety amazingly presents the exact color of the rough when removed from the mine.
Rhodolite Garnet Ring

  • Purple Garnet: Mostly, rhodolite garnet arrays from a rose to red hue. On the other hand, purple garnet gives the impression as a delightful grape color. Now, if I place a purple garnet together with a fine amethyst, I am confident that it will be difficult for you to identify garnet and amethyst. Amethyst captures purple tones with hints of blue while garnet is infused with purple and reddish tones. The luster also set these gemstones apart. Amethyst owns an enamel luster, like refined glass when cut. While purple garnet enjoys sub-adamantine luster, which is virtually diamond-like. (Know more about Purple garnet properties)
Purple Garnet Rings

  • Demantoid Garnet: Incomparable brilliance and fire are the facts that set demantoid garnet apart from the pack. And its rarity and outstanding radiance add to the value of this stone. It possesses a high refraction, yet still provides surprising distribution of light to reflect the complete spectrum of the rainbow. This is among the finest varieties.

Demantoid Garnet Ring
  • Anthill Garnet: This gemstone comes as the little surprises from the Mother Nature. This gem is picked around anthills discovered in the Navajo Reservation in Arizona. As a variation of pyrope garnet, this stone is found in the bright red color mostly linked with the gemstone and it is exceptionally uncommon to find pieces of one carat or above.
Anthill Garnet Pendant

  • Bekily Color Change Garnet: Rivaling the splendor of alexandrite, this gemstone showcases a vivid color-change effect ranging from rich brown to lively orange under different light sources. Discovered in 1990, this gemstone is rather a new addition to the family of garnets.
Bekily Color Change Garnet Rings

  • Ratnapura Hessonite Garnet: Nicknamed as “cinnamon stone,” hessonite is mined in Sri Lanka and is an exceptional burnt orange member of the garnet household. While this gemstone is high in demand in India, it's rare to discover hessonite on the US market.
Ratnapura Hessonite Garnet Bracelet

  • Tsavorite Garnet: Regarded as “The King of Garnets” tsavorite radiates fabulous green tones ranging from fresh spring-green to dusky forest-green. It's one of the most appreciated and amazing gemstone with constricted availability in the world. So, nothing can match the January birthday gift than a Tsavorite garnet.

Tsavorite Garnet Rings
  • Mozambique Garnet: Fashionable Mozambique garnet owns similarities as of the red-rose variety of garnet known as rhodolite garnet. It also comprises the blend of the minerals pyrope and almandine. Nevertheless, this variant generally covers higher applications of almandine, which offers the gem its deep wine-red brilliance.

Mozambique Garnet Rings
  • Spessaritite Garnet: First discovered in 1832, this gemstone is evident due to its bright orange hue and brilliance. You can enjoy its color variation from red-orange to pure orange to flaming yellow-orange. Taking its name and color from the monarch butterfly, this stone is an energetic add-on to any gem collection.
Spessaritite Garnet Rings
So, have you decided your favorite garnet as your January birthstone? Be sure to read part two, for more information on garnets. Learn about the more glamorous side of garnet and how this versatile stone brings a punch of traditional flair to any look.

Be sure to read part two! - January Birthstone: Garnet that Speaks Glamour Part- II

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